"A WOMAN'S LIFE blog archives
simples coincidencias da vida
cheguei em Sao Paulo e logo vi na estante de casa as novas aquisicoes em VHS e DVD, entre elas esta "Melhor E Impossivel", um filme que adorei. entao foi abrindo um arquivo que ha mais de ano nao via que encontrei este trecho do filme, uma declaracao de amor que muito me tocou: "I'm the only one on the face of the earth who realizes that you're the greatest woman on the earth. I'm the only one who appreciates how amazing you are in every single thing you do -- in every single thought you have... in how you are with Spencer -- Spence... (he has reached her)... in how you say what you mean and how you almost always mean something that's all about being staright and good... ... I think most people miss that about you and i watch wondering how they can watch you bring them food and clean their dishes and never get that they have just met the greatest woman alive... And the fact that I get it makes me feel great... about me!" (as good as it gets) posted by safiri @Monday, June 21, 2004